T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S

  • 1.1 The material Trinity Georgia Francis ’Trinity’ supplies in response to Commission(s) will to the best of their ability, conform to the brief supplied and will meet an appropriate professional standard.

    1.2 The Commission(s) will be original and will, to the best of Trinity’s knowledge and belief, not infringe copyright or other legal right(s) or contain any defamatory or offensive material.

    1.3 Trinity accepts that the Publisher may without consultation edit/amend the Commission(s) for the purposes of publication. As long as that it does not negatively impact the professional and/or personal image or reputation of Trinity and associated parties.

    1.4 Trinity agrees to maintain confidentiality concerning Commission(s) and the Publisher’s activities until the Commission(s) are published; subject to disclosures required in order to fulfil Commission(s).

    1.5 During professional engagements with individuals and/or organisations for the purpose of fulfilling Commission(s), Trinity agrees to maintain appropriate professional standards and where possible and appropriate will endeavour to promote and enhance the reputation of the Publisher and its publication.

    1.6 Trinity reserves their rights under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations (2002), to charge interest and an administration fee when payment(s) is overdue.

  • 2.1 The Publisher will provide a clear brief for Commission(s), including deadline(s), explicit details of the fee(s) and expenses (when and where applicable) payable and payment terms.

    2.2 Absent of any prior agreement otherwise, the Publisher agrees in addition to reimburse Trinity for appropriate expenses incurred during execution of Commission(s), including but not limited to travel costs, in addition to the fee agreed for the work.

    2.3 Where necessary for the execution of Commission(s) the Publisher will assist Trinity with media accreditation for events (covering costs where applicable), including but not limited to producing document(s) on the Publisher’s letter headed paper/e-correspondence confirming Trinity’s status as a commissioned contributor, for the Publisher, to event organisers.

    2.4 The Publisher will review all materials supplied in completion of Commission(s) and will within a reasonable time (not exceeding one publishing cycle of the publication and/or exceeding one calendar month, unless previously agreed) inform Trinity if the Commission(s) submitted is acceptable or unacceptable.

    2.5 The Publisher undertakes to pay all fee(s) and expenses agreed within 30 days of receipt of invoice and accepts the liability of penalty resulting in additional fees as outlined in Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, unless priorly agreed. Payments will be made by BACS transfer.

    2.6 The Publisher will acquire only those publication rights specifically agreed in the Commission(s) contract, or in all other cases a single license to publish the material supplied within printed periodicals in the UK (First British Serial Rights). No license shall be granted unless and until full payment is made of the fee(s) and expenses agreed in the original Commission(s) contract.

    2.8 The Publisher will not exploit any further rights from the Commission(s) supplied, without prior written permission from Trinity.

    2.9 The Publisher grants the use and copyright of their logo and/or branding for use on www.trinitygfrancis.com to classify and categorise Commission(s); and pro bono produced works.

    2.10 The Publisher agrees to edit and present the Commission(s) supplied fairly and to a professional standard. Ensuring that it does not negatively impact the professional and/or personal image or reputation of Trinity and associated parties.

    2.11 The Publisher will ensure publication of Commission(s), edited or otherwise, includes a ‘Trinity Francis’ byline or credit and complies with article 2.10 of these T&C’s.

  • 3.1 These Terms shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be submitted to and resolved by the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

    3.2 Should any of these terms be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by a court then, to the extent to which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect.

These T&C’s are the latest and most up to date version. They apply to all material commissioned from Trinity Francis, no variation of these terms will be effective unless agreed in writing prior to Commission(s).